Deep in rural New Jersey, there is a road that winds dangerously through the forest and eventually leads to place known as “Midgetville”. This road is said to be haunted, and has caused many disturbances and violent unrest in the formerly quiet town. There is no limit to the possible explanations and stories created by locals surrounding Annie’s Road…

No matter what actually happened, her death still resulted in a large bloodstain
on the road, and a similar splatter on the guardrail. However, the guardrail is
actually painted red in memory of Annie. Creepier still, her deranged father is
the one who comes to repaint it every year, on the anniversary of her death. In
addition, the graveyard where she is supposedly buried is said to glow during
the night. Many late-night adventurers have reported seeing a flickering light
moving among the graves, as well as a rather short, white-clad figure posing as
a hitchhiker during the night. The chances of seeing Annie are greater if the
driver plays oldies music and keeps their headlights off…but people say that
anyone who agrees to give her a ride loses control of their car. And while
there is no proof of this, many accidents have occurred along Annie’s road in
the night, with the wreck remains suggesting that the victims had been chased.
Another peculiar, if not paranormal, thing are the dwarves and midgets supposedly inhabiting this area. All of the houses are indeed smaller than average, but this is because the town was formerly used just for vacation homes. Ever since an article about Annie’s death appeared on the internet, numbers of curious, noisy teenagers have disrupted “Midgetville” searching for a glimpse of the little people. Some claim to have seen a dwarf chopping wood, a few visitors have been shot at, and one even received a resident’s phone number. Eventually, things got out of control, and the police put up a sign forbidding any unwelcome noise or disturbances.

Here is a link to a video that was taken by people driving Annie's Road.
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